About  us

About us

Inspiring healthy and sustainable food choices and agrifood careers.

Providing tried and tested food education learning materials to teachers and schools across Europe.

About FoodEducators

FoodEducators programme was launched by EIT Food in 2022 under the name of „Youth Mission”. Work has started with needs assessment and the creation of two teacher handbooks full of ready-to-use resources to be used in the classroom. The handbooks were piloted in five countries in 2022 including Cyprus, Czech Republic, Israel, Hungary, and Spain, reaching 382 teachers; and 39,354 students. In 2023, we changed our handbooks into individually downloadable, online lesson plans and this website was created. In 2023 our lesson plans arrived to Poland, the UK and Turkey and in 2024, through EIT Food's RIS HUBs, we are reaching educators and students in more than 10 European countries.

Our Impact in Numbers

Please download and read our Action Reports here by year:

Action Report 2022

Action Report 2023

Meet the team

FoodEducators is represented in many European countries (and even beyond) through our national HUBs and partners. Contact your national coordinator here if you have any questions regarding implementation of the lesson plans in your school or getting certified.

If your country is not represented yet, feel free to contact the central team!

Meet the team


Fabienne Ruault
Fabienne Ruault FoodEducators Lead EIT Food Public Engagement Programme Manager fabienne.ruault@eitfood.eu
Viktoria Soos
Viktoria Soos FoodEducators Communication Lead Communications expert viktoria.soos@eitfood.eu
Dr. Keren Dalyot
Dr. Keren Dalyot Content coordinator and teachers' relationship manager Developer, Implementer, and Researcher in Science Education keren.dalyot@eitfood.eu
Laszlo Jaczenko
Laszlo Jaczenko Communication and Marketing Expert ClimateSmart Elephant
Maria João Soares
Maria João Soares Junior Marketing Manager of Education Services EIT Food
Katarzyna Woźnicka
Katarzyna Woźnicka HUBS and implementation coordinator Public Insight and Engagement Programme Manager - EIT Food CLC North-East katarzyna.woznicka@eitfood.eu
Marianne Lemberger
Marianne Lemberger Programme Manager - Back to school project EIT Food
Emma Berthaud
Emma Berthaud Graphic Designer FoodUnfolded / FoodEducators
Arlene Barclay
Arlene Barclay Digital Communications Manager EIT Food arlene.barclay@eitfood.eu

Teachers' Board

Carmelo Zamora Parrado
Carmelo Zamora Parrado Educator and Sustainability Lead REAL School Budapest Hungary, Spain
Javier Redondas
Javier Redondas Teacher of Technology IES de Candás, Spain
Alexia Milutin
Alexia Milutin Economics and ICT Teacher European School of Brussels II, Belgium
Ana Belén Yuste Martínez
Ana Belén Yuste Martínez Biology Teacher I.E.S. Consaburum, Spain
Natalie Taylor
Natalie Taylor Teacher of Humanities Los Olivos Secondary School Spain, UK
Nicoleta Livia Barbu
Nicoleta Livia Barbu Preschool Teacher Gradinita cu program prelungit EDEN, Craiova, Romania
Angeliki Liapi
Angeliki Liapi Kindergarten Teacher 2nd Kindergarten of Lykovrysis, Greece
Natalija Budinski
Natalija Budinski Teacher of Mathematics Petro Kuzmjak School, Serbia
Vittoria Maschietto
Vittoria Maschietto Teacher of Humanities Professional Hotelier High School, Italy


Eliska Selinger
Eliska Selinger Nutritional specialist
Vivien Bodereau
Vivien Bodereau Net Zero Food System Mission Lead EIT Food
Maria Neocleous Maliotou
Maria Neocleous Maliotou Food Scientist & Food Educator
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen Professor University of Copenhagen
Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Technion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Education in Science and Technology
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences
University of Warsaw
University of Warsaw Faculty of Psychology
The European Food Information Council
The European Food Information Council
Climate Smart Elephant
Climate Smart Elephant
 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation
Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation
Food Bank in Olsztyn
Food Bank in Olsztyn
University of Reading
University of Reading
Università di Torino
Università di Torino
Grupo AN
Grupo AN
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Helsinki
University of Helsinki
Agenția Metropolitană Brașov AZTI Building Global Innovators Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Democritus University of Thrace Higher Education Institution Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre Pannon Pro Innovations Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn Slovak university of Agriculture in Nitra Smion University of Bari Aldo Moro University of Chemistry and Technology Prague University of Economics - Varna Yaşar University