Activity Weeks

Activity Weeks

Let's celebrate World Food Day together!

Let’s get active! Introducing our Activity Weeks 2024!

There are quite a few challenges that we have to face when it comes to food systems. Not only they are accountable for 30% of all greenhouse emissions, but also, food-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes, heart diseases, cancer are on the rise, meanwhile, more and more children are overweight and/or obese all around Europe.

You as an educator have a key role in facing these challenges and together with students and families, transform our future. By participating and engaging your classes and school in the FoodEducators Activity Weeks, you are taking one more step forward, raising awareness of the importance of food among students in a playful way.

Building on FAO’s World Food Day on the 16th of October, we are offering you activities you can celebrate the world of food with during our Activity Weeks. Simply choose a day and implement one – or all! - of our activities with your students!

With our activities we focus our efforts on drawing attention to the topic of food. Our booklet is available in the 15 languages of our partner countries. To acknowledge participation, educators using our materials and providing us feedback via our feedback form can receive certifications and virtual badges.

Duration of the Activity Weeks: 14th -26th October, submission deadline for certifications and badges: 10th November 24:00 CET

Join us!

    Student Activities

    We are offering this Activity Booklet with three different activities to implement at your school to celebrate the world of food in your local community

    Download the booklet after registering/signing in and we would be glad if you shared this link with your colleagues!

Register to access this resource

International virtual events for educators (in English)

FoodEducators in action: A guide to integrating food education into your classroom (webinar)

Join us on World Food Day to learn from educators across Europe how to utilize free food education resources in varied settings for varied audiences. This event is organized by FoodEducators Teachers' Advisory board.

Date: 16th October, 18:00
Register here>>>

FoodEducators Networking Lounge (workshop)

Networking session for educators and schools from all around Europe.

Date: 24th October, 18:00
Register here>>>

Get your certification and badge!

We would love to hear from your experience!

Fill out the feedback form. If you have a few minutes, please provide feedback on your experience. Thanking your effort, we offer a virtual certification and a badge for you to use on your school website and social media upon providing us feedback on your activities. Please use this reporting form.

Talk about the experience on the school website/social media. Also, we do appreciate you or your school mentioning us and posting about the implemented activities. We have created some social media templates you can use on Canva or in a pptx. On Facebook, don’t forget to tag us ( @foodeducators ), so we notice your news! #foodeducators

Are you interested in closer ties? Become a member of our FoodEducators School Network!

If you and your students enjoyed our activities, feel free to try our lesson plans all through the school year! Also, if your school wants to dive deeper and integrate the topic of food, health, sustainability and agrifood careers into its curriculum on a regular basis, it can opt to become a member of our FoodEducators School Network, which will be launched in 2025, offering lots of benefits. If interested, you can already signal your interest contacting our partner organization in your country!

Agenția Metropolitană Brașov AZTI Building Global Innovators Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Democritus University of Thrace Higher Education Institution Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre Pannon Pro Innovations Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn Slovak university of Agriculture in Nitra Smion University of Bari Aldo Moro University of Chemistry and Technology Prague University of Economics - Varna Yaşar University