
Exploring agrifood careers

Education is all about learning something new, but it’s not every day students get to immerse themselves in the cooperative and agri-food world. Students from CPI Ramón y Cajal visited the Santa Leticia Field Cooperative and CITA Aragón research centre. The field trips left them with plenty food for thought on their future career paths.


Getting creative with food waste

Small changes can make a big impact, and that’s especially true when it comes to food waste. In Croatia, students got crafty with their holiday leftovers, turning scraps into delicious dishes. They even made it onto the Croatian newspaper Jutarnji list!

Czech Republic

Farm-to-table exploration

VŠCHT’s new programme taught students about food production, from farm animal breeding to dairy and meat innovations. They also discovered the growing trend of hybrid foods and how to assess their nutritional value.


Career Days with a (sweet) twist

In Latvia, winners of the 'Today in the Countryside' competition got a treat that was both educational and delicious! They toured a local candy factory and ice cream shop, getting a behind-the-scenes look at local food production.


A successful year of food education

Our Romanian hub held their first Career Day, which welcomed 45 students to the National Institute for Research and Development for Food Bioresources. Their impact on local food education was also made clear at the end-of-year forum, with 6,000 students and 500 teachers using FoodEducators resources in 2024!


Learning how to reduce waste

Slovak students visited a local collection yard to learn about waste separation and recycling. They got hands-on experience with the equipment used for waste management and discussed its importance for the environment.


Career insights in biodiversity

Students took a deep dive into the world of biodiversity and food systems with a visit to the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research. The event had them flexing their critical thinking muscles, collaborating in teams, and learning how biodiversity can safeguard future food production.

Interested in learning more or getting involved? Have a look at our lesson plans or get in touch.